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Why Astrology Needs Somatics
Many people come to astrology for clarity, to understand themselves better or navigate life’s challenges. I did too. There’s comfort in seeing our complexities mirrored in the sky above. But after a while, I realised that understanding the placements in my chart...
How Astrology Consultations Work (And Why You Should Try One)
Astrology is so much more than reading a horoscope or scrolling through zodiac memes. Consulting an astrologer is a deeply personal experience that helps you understand your unique strengths, challenges, and opportunities for growth. If you’ve ever wondered how an...
What your moon phase says about your personality and embodiment
Move over, Sun signs! It's time to start focusing more on the Moon—the Moon's phases, to be specific. Perhaps you already identify more with your Moon sign than with your Sun, but things get really juicy when you start paying attention to your natal Moon phase....