How to Identify Strong Placements in Your Chart

by | Jul 20, 2021 | Astrology | 0 comments

You might often hear people mention they have a “strong Mercury” or a “dominant Mars”, but what does that really mean, and how do you know whether a planet is strong or dominant in your chart? While different schools of thought offer varying perspectives, in traditional astrology, there are easy ways to determine which placements are strong or dominant. In fact, there’s a big difference between a planet that is strong versus one that is dominant. This distinction hinges on the difference between essential and accidental dignity.

Here’s how you can identify the strongest or most dominant placements in your birth chart:

Your ruling planet has the strongest influence in your life

Many modern astrologers place a lot of emphasis on the ascendant as an important point in the chart, and while this is certainly true, the ruling planet of your ascendant may be even more important. The sign on your ascendant tells you something about your unique path in life, but the ruling planet of the ascendant determines how you walk that path.

If you think of your birth chart as a ship, the ascendant is the helm directing your course, while the ruling planet is the captain, guiding how you navigate. This planet represents “you” in the chart and plays a role in your physical body and overall health.

For example, if you’re a Taurus or Libra rising, Venus will be a dominant force in your chart, while Aries or Scorpio risings will feel the influence of Mars. The sign and house placement of the ruling planet further nuance its strength or dominance, but in most cases, the ruling planet of the ascendant will have a significant impact on your chart and life.

Note: Traditional rulerships apply here. Uranus, Neptune, and Pluto do not rule planets in traditional astrology.

Your sect light tells you how you shine

In modern astrology, the Sun sign tends to take centre stage, but from a traditional perspective, it depends on the time of day you were born. Both the Sun and Moon are luminaries, and your sect (whether you were born during the day or night) determines which luminary holds more importance.

If you were born during the day (the Sun is above the ascendant-descendant line), then the Sun is your most important luminary and sect light. If you were born at night (the Sun is below the ascendant-descendant line), then the Moon becomes your most important luminary.

Your sect light is a key indicator of vitality in the chart, with the Sun representing strength and intelligence, and the Moon representing the physical body. Both luminaries speak to how you’re seen, or how you “light up” in life. This makes your sect light a very important placement in your chart.

Planet in rulership or exaltation are strong

Planetary strength is often determined by essential dignity. In astrology, a strong planet is dignified, meaning it is well-positioned to function effectively in the chart. There are two types of dignity: essential and accidental. Essential dignity refers to a planet’s strength based on its sign placement or degree, which determines whether the planet is able to function in the chart.

An easy way to understand essential dignity is to imagine a planet in rulership as a citizen in their own country. They speak the language, know the customs, and have access to all the resources they need. A planet in exaltation is like a VIP guest—perhaps not a citizen, but someone with special privileges. Both positions allow for a strong, clear expression of the planet’s energy.

Usually this also means that planets in rulership or exaltation come  with special talents or gifts. A person with a strong Mercury (in Gemini  or Virgo) might be an excellent communicator with strong writing  skills, great networker and someone who is able to gather and process  large or complex data. Someone with a strong Moon (in Cancer or Taurus)  probably is very emphathetic and able to nurture others in ways that other Moon placements might not.

If you dont know the signs in which certain planets have rulership or exaltation, here’s a quick cheatsheet:

Sun: rules Leo, exalts in Aries
Moon: rules Cancer, exalts in Taurus
Mercury: rules Gemini and Virgo, exalts in Virgo
Venus: rules Taurus and Libra, exalts in Pisces
Mars: rules Aries and Scorpio, exalts in Capricorn
Jupiter: rules Sagittarius and Pisces, exalts in Cancer
Saturn: rules Capricorn and Aquarius, exalts in Libra

Planets in angular houses are active and potent

While rulership or exaltation gives a planet strength, its ability to act is determined by its house placement, or accidental dignity. Planets in angular houses (1st, 4th, 7th, and 10th) tend to be the most active and influential. They will show up loudly and will definitely make a lasting impact. These houses represent key areas of life—such as identity, family, relationships, and career—which are often the dominant themes in our lives. 

It’s important to note that while planets in angular houses may play  an active role in your life, they may not be always be strong. This is  the big difference between essential dignity (planetary strength) and  accidental dignity (house placement, aspect, speed, position relative to  the Sun).

One way to think of this, is to think of essential dignity as  “ability” and accidental dignity as “opportunity” or “circumstance”. You  could be a very talented and excellent employee, but work in a  miserable environment, where your boss treats you horribly and you’re  not getting decent pay. Astrologically, this would translate to a  technically strong planet being stuck in a more challenging house. This  does not undermine the strength of that particular planet and you may  still have specific talents, but you’re not getting a lot of opportunity  to show those talents to the world. Conversely, you could work for a  renowned and respectable organisation, but lack the ability or skill to  do your job well and therefore make a lot of mistakes in the public eye.  This could be a technically weak planet up on display in the 10th house. There can thus be many different variations of strong and active  placements in the chart. A planet can be functional (strong) but not active, functional and active (which is the proverbial jackpot), not  functional and active, or not functional and not active.

Extra things that impact accidental dignity

Having planets in angular houses (1st, 4th, 7th, and 10th) is definitely one of the most important indicators of accidental dignity.  But on top of that, there are a few extra things to look out for when  you are trying to determine whether you have dominant or strong  placements:

  • Planets in strong places in the chart: Alongside  the angular houses, the 11th and 5th house are also considered to be  great places for planets to be in. Planets near the Ascendant or  Midheaven (which can fall anywhere in the top half of the chart) are  also very important and impactful in the birth chart.
  • Planets in “joy”: Each planet also have a  “favourite” house in the chart, which is the place of that planet’s joy.  A planet in joy will generally be quite happy, though of course this  won’t cancel out other astro data, such as when the planet is in a sign  it doesn’t really like. The joys of the planets are: Sun in the 9th,  Moon in the 3rd, Mercury in the 1st, Venus in the 5th, Mars in the 6th,  Jupiter in the 11th, Saturn in the 12th.
  • Planets in the heart of the Sun: There is a special thing that happens to a planet when it’s in close proximity to the Sun –  which is probably worth an entire blog post on its own. If you’re  already familiar with the terms combustion and cazimi, then it’s worth  noting that a planet that is cazimi (i.e. within 17 minutes of the arc of the center of the Sun) is also very strong and functional.

Making the most of strong placements

Identifying strong placements in your birth chart is just the first step. What you do with that awareness matters just as much. Understanding a strong Mars or a dignified Mercury can tell you a lot about your natural strengths, but truly embodying these planetary influences can transform how you show up in life.

This is where my work on embodied astrology bridges the gap between astrology and lived experience. It’s one thing to know you have a powerful Venus, but another to feel its influence in your body, in your relationships, in the way you move through the world. Embodied astrology invites you to connect with the planets on a deeper, more visceral level, tapping into the wisdom they hold for your personal growth and life path.

When we attune to these energies through an embodied lens, we aren’t just observers of our chart—we become active participants, aligning our choices and actions with our planetary strengths. Whether it’s leaning into the assertiveness of a strong Mars or nurturing the emotional intelligence of a powerful Moon, embodied astrology helps you live more fully in your truth, guiding you to a more integrated and fulfilling life.

Curious about how to take this understanding further? In my Constellate sessions, I combine astrology with somatic coaching, helping you not only understand your chart but also feel into it, making space for deep personal transformation. Together, we’ll explore how these planetary influences play out in your body and life, opening the door to more presence, authenticity, and embodied action.

If you’re curious about moving beyond the basics and understanding your chart through a more holistic, body-centered practice, book a consultation with me!

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Hi, I´m Britt!

I am a down-to-earth astrologer and embodiment coach, here to offer you guidance on your path of self discovery and healing. My work blends traditional astrology  techniques with insights from modern psychology, mindfulness, and parts work to help you cultivate grounding, self-compassion, and a sense of belonging to this earth.



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