Why Astrology Needs Somatics

Why Astrology Needs Somatics

Many people come to astrology for clarity, to understand themselves better or navigate life’s challenges. I did too. There’s comfort in seeing our...

6 ways to strenghten your natal Venus

6 ways to strenghten your natal Venus

Venus deals with bringing sweetness and goodness into our lives, but for some folks, accessing those things can be downright difficult. In this post I share 5 signs that your Venus needs strengthening and 6 practices to enhance your capacity to feel more love, joy, and pleasure.

Hey there, I´m Chloe

Delenit perfecto ne mel, facete utamur in mea, cum ceteros fuisset repudiandae eu. Delenit omittam philosophia per ea, eos te omnium discere. Nam adhuc percipit et. Viris comprehensam quo ea.


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