Astro Cafe: an event for astrology enthusiasts in the Netherlands
There are a lot of cool and exciting (traditional) astrology events happening in the US, with the Fresh Voices in Astrology seminars and of course...
Debunking the biggest astrology myths
As the interest in astrology grows, so does the amount of nonsense and blatant fearmongering that shows up on the internet. There’s a...
Tips for learning astrology
One of the most frequently asked questions I receive from people is whether I have tips for studying astrology. Astrology is such a rich ...
How to survive Mercury retrograde
Uh oh, it’s that time again: Mercury is going retrograde! Now, before you cancel all of your appointments and let your inner Hermes ...
How to Identify Strong Placements in Your Chart
You might often hear people mention they have a “strong Mercury” or a “dominant Mars”, but what does that really mean, and how do you know whether a...
Why you might not identify with your Sun sign
If you don’t believe in astrology, chances are it’s because you don’t identify with your Sun sign. This is the sign that is commonly ...

Hey there, I´m Chloe
Delenit perfecto ne mel, facete utamur in mea, cum ceteros fuisset repudiandae eu. Delenit omittam philosophia per ea, eos te omnium discere. Nam adhuc percipit et. Viris comprehensam quo ea.
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